There is a common denominator we share as people, life
experiences. People's experiences
affect their emotional compass. As a therapist I honor, being a part of my client's,
"emotional growth moments", which is reflective of healing. The therapeutic experience is healing space,
shared between client and therapist, which requires transparency, trust, and a
no judgment zone. There are stages in
life that require therapeutic processing: adjusting to life changes,
depression, trauma, anxiety, familial problems, strained communication
etc... Wherever you find yourself in the spectrum of life
experiences, I welcome sharing therapeutic, healing space, and being a part of
your "emotional growth moments".
EMDR- Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (intensive
trauma therapy), CAADC- Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor, ADS-
Acupuncture Detox Specialist. I have
extensive background in working with children and adolescents.